UX Checklist for Website (Ultimate Guide for 2024 and Beyond)

Kat Irwin

Creating a successful website involves more than just making it look great. It requires a comprehensive UX checklist that ensures outstanding user experience. As a web designer, my goal is to help you develop a site that not only looks great but also aligns with your business objectives and meets the needs of your users. There are so many reasons why UX design is important, which is why I created this checklist that I use for both my own site and my clients.

From an organised homepage to intuitive navigation, every part of your website should put the user first. You need to ensure your site is accessible, responsive, and easy to use. Things like a clear navigation bar, readable content, and accessibility can make a big difference.

Want to level up your website's user experience? My UX checklist will help you do just that. Let's get started!

UX Checklist for Websites: Key Takeaways

  • Know your target audience. Conduct surveys and interviews to gather data on user preferences and behaviours. You can ask old clients for feedback. Or, if you're just starting out, you can ask family members and friends.
  • The homepage should have a clean layout with a navigation bar that has links to contact and about us pages.
  • Use high-quality images and make sure the design is easy to understand. Action URLs should be short and memorable for a seamless user experience.
  • Website should reflect your business goals. Make sure the critical services and products are visible and make users want to dig deeper.
  • Keep the same look and feel throughout the site to reinforce your brand identity. This builds trust and makes it memorable for users.

What is a UX Website Checklist

A UX website checklist is an essential tool designed to ensure that a website follows best practices in user experience design. It addresses various elements such as clear navigation, modern design principles, accessibility, and more - ensuring that the website not only looks great but is also user-friendly and inclusive. This UX checklist will guide you in designing and developing a website that effectively serves their intended audiences while providing a seamless and satisfying user interaction. This includes:

1. General Usability

  • Clear Navigation
  • Responsive Design
  • Fast Loading
  • Accessibility
  • Search Functionality

2. Visual Design

  • Consistent Branding
  • Visual Hierarchy
  • Readability
  • Engaging Imagery

3. Content Management

  • Message Clarity
  • Scannable Layout
  • SEO Friendliness
  • Multilingual Support

4. User Interaction

  • Interactive Elements
  • Form Design
  • User Onboarding
  • Trust Signals

5. Navigation & Information Architecture

  • Intuitive Menu
  • Footer Navigation
  • Sitemap Creation

6. Feedback & Error Handling

  • Feedback Mechanisms
  • Error Messages
  • Loading Indicators

7. Performance & Analytics

  • Performance Testing
  • Analytics Integration

8. Maintenance & Updates

  • Regular Updates
  • User Feedback Integration

9. Legal Compliance

  • Legal Compliance
  • Content Policies

Why Use a UX Website Checklist

There are many reasons to use a UX checklist. A UX checklist has many benefits that enhance the overall design and functionality of a website. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Consistency and Cohesion: A UX checklist helps maintain consistency across the website, ensuring that all pages follow the same style, navigation, and interaction patterns. This consistency leads to a more cohesive user experience and strengthens brand identity.
  2. Improved Usability: By following established UX principles, your website will be easier to navigate and intuitive for users. This can reduce user frustration, increase user engagement, and improve the overall effectiveness of the site.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: UX checklists also include accessibility guidelines, which help make the site usable for people with disabilities. This inclusivity not only broadens the potential audience but also complies with legal standards in many regions.
  4. Efficient Design Process: With a checklist, designers have a clear set of criteria to follow, which can streamline the design process and reduce the time and resources spent on revisions. This can lead to quicker project turnaround times.
  5. Optimized for Conversion: By focusing on user experience, a checklist helps in designing a site that not only attracts users but also effectively guides them towards taking desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. This can directly impact the site’s conversion rates.
  6. Feedback and Improvements: A UX checklist can also serve as a basis for ongoing evaluations and audits, helping identify areas for improvement and adapting to user feedback and changing needs over time.

UX Website Checklist

To create a great user experience on a website, focus on usability, visual design, content management, user interactions, navigation, feedback, performance, updates, and legal compliance.

1) General Usability

Website usability means users can navigate, interact, and complete tasks easily on the website. Having clear navigation, responsive design, fast loading speeds, accessibility, and an intuitive site layout is key to a user-friendly experience. This comprehensive approach ensures that all elements work harmoniously to provide optimal usability.

Clear Navigation

Clear navigation helps users find what they need quickly and without frustration. A well-structured navigation bar is important. It should cater to new users, returning users, and users with specific needs.

Website navigation should be intuitive. Label menu items clearly and use categories that make sense to users. For complex sites, breadcrumbs can help users understand their entire navigation path and go back to previous and relevant pages easily. Keep navigation visible and accessible to avoid user frustration.

Responsive Design

A website should work on all devices: mobile, tablet, and desktop. Responsive design means a consistent user experience no matter the screen size or device being used.

Design elements should adjust automatically for smaller screens without losing functionality or visual appeal. Having access to all major features across devices will increase user satisfaction.

Fast Loading

Page loading is important as users will leave a site if it takes too long to load. Aim for page loads within 3 seconds to keep users engaged.  You can test your page load speed at PageSpeed Insights. An easy way to improve fast loading speeds includes compressing large images using a tool like squoosh.app.


Making a website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just a best practice but often a legal requirement. Compliance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines will help you achieve this.

I can't cover everything related to accessibility in this blog post (let me know if I should create a dedicated post on this topic), but one simple way to improve your website accessibility is by setting the alt text for images so screen readers can read visual content. Design the site to be keyboard navigable and screen reader compatible. This will make the site usable for users who can’t use a mouse or have visual impairments.

Search Functionality

A good search function can really boost user experience. Place the search bar where users can find it easily, usually in the top right corner of the header.

Include autocomplete suggestions to speed up the search and help users find what they want faster. This will improve the overall user experience and retain users.

2) Visual Design

A visually appealing and well-structured user interface significantly enhances user perception, creating a more inviting and effective interaction. By emphasizing consistent branding, clear visual hierarchy, and engaging imagery, we can impact how users perceive and interact with your website.

Consistent Branding

Consistent branding is key to a cohesive and recognisable business. To reinforce your brand, use uniform colours, fonts, logos, and icons throughout the site.

Following brand guidelines will help maintain this consistency. This means always using the same brand colours and styles. Consistent branding will make your website layout way more professional.

Visual Hierarchy

A clear visual hierarchy will guide users through the site smoothly. Headings and subheadings will break up the content and indicate its importance. This will help users find what they are looking for quickly.

Using white space will not overcrowd the content. Focusing on key content areas will make the design process clean and easy to navigate. Highlighting important information with size, colour, or placement will draw attention where needed.


Readability means visitors can consume the content easily. Legible font sizes and styles are important. Website text should be readable, with enough line spacing to not look cluttered.

Additionally, colour contrast between text and background is important. Dark text on a light background or vice versa will improve readability.

Engaging Imagery

Captivating imagery will keep visitors interested and convey the message. High-quality images and graphics will give the website a professional appearance. Images should be clear and relevant to the content without being distracting.

Choosing visuals that match the brand identity will strengthen the message. Overall, choosing engaging imagery will encourage users to stay on your site longer.

3) Content Management

Effective content management is crucial for UX as it ensures that information is organised, accessible, and easy to navigate, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement on the website.

Message Clarity

Clear message means the website communicates its goals to the target audience. This includes concise and descriptive content that addresses user needs directly.

Clear calls to action (CTAs) will guide users to the desired action, like signing up or buying. Information should be relevant and up to date so users get the latest info. This will build trust and keep visitors engaged.

Scannable Layout

Scannable layout uses bullet points and lists to break down the information into bite-sized chunks. This makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Short paragraphs will keep users attention, making content more readable. Emphasis on key points with bold or italics will guide users through the content quickly.

SEO Friendliness

Keywords should be inserted naturally into the content to improve the website's visibility on search engines. Descriptive meta titles and descriptions will help search engines understand the purpose of the site.

Proper header tags (H1, H2 etc.) will organise the content, both for users and search engines to navigate the site. This will boost the entire website ranking and reach a wider audience.

Multilingual Support

Providing translations is important to reach a global audience, so people from different parts of the world can access and understand the content.

Easy language switching, usually through a dropdown menu or flag icons will enhance user experience by allowing users to switch between languages seamlessly. This will make the website more user-friendly and accessible to a wider audience.

4) User Interaction

User interaction is key to improving the user journey. A well-designed user interface will increase user engagement, reduce errors, and increase customer loyalty by paying attention to elements like clickable buttons and trust signals.

Interactive Elements

When a user hovers over a clickable element, like a button or link, a slight change in colour, size, or shape. These effects and animations will tell users that the visual elements are interactive and ready to use.

Feedback on actions—like changing the button colour after it's clicked—will reassure users and guide them through the journey. These visual responses will let users know their action has been recorded.

Form Design

Forms are key touchpoints. Having minimal required fields will reduce friction and increase the completion rate. Clear labels and instructions are a must in order to guide users through each step, to minimize confusion and errors.

Error handling and validation like real-time alerts for incorrect entries will help users to correct the mistakes immediately. This will reduce frustration and increase the chances of submission completion.

User Onboarding

User onboarding will greatly improve the user experience. Guided tours or tooltips will introduce new users to the website features and functionality, making their first interaction smooth and informative.

Intro videos or tutorials will onboard users in an engaging way, so users feel confident and competent from the start.

Trust Signals

Trust is key to user engagement. Displaying testimonials or reviews prominently will build credibility so users know others have had a positive experience with your website and business.

Additionally, ensure that the privacy policy and terms of service are easily accessible. This will help build trust with users, making them feel secure in sharing their personal information. Consider adding trust badges, such as SSL certificates and guarantees of 100% satisfaction, to enhance the site's appearance of security and reliability, thereby instilling confidence in users.

5) Navigation & Information Architecture

Navigation and information architecture is key to a successful website. It will help users find what they need quickly. By clearly labeling sections and using intuitive layouts, you can ensure that visitors navigate your site with ease and efficiency.

Intuitive Menu

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but an intuitive, organised menu cannot be understated. A simple menu will make the whole website easier to use. Start with logical categorization of content. Group similar items together under broad categories.

Use dropdowns to handle subcategories. This will keep the main navigation clean. Users can hover or click to see more options.

Important pages like "Services" and "Contact" should be easily accessible. Keep the menu simple. Too many options will confuse users.

Ensuring that the service page is easily accessible and well-integrated into the website’s overall navigation structure is crucial. This helps users quickly find the information they need about your services, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Footer Navigation

Footer navigation is crucial for guiding users to important pages. Include links to the "Contact," "About," and "Privacy Policy" pages to ensure that users can find essential information even at the bottom of the page.

Social media icons should also be in the footer. It will give users an alternative way to engage with your site.

Always prioritze clear and simple language for footer links and avoid jargon. The goal is to make it easy for users to find what they need without having to scroll back to the top of the page.

6) Feedback & Error Handling

Good UX requires clear feedback and user-friendly error handling. These will help users understand website status and correct mistakes easily.

Feedback Mechanisms

Feedback mechanisms will enhance user experience and resolve pain points. Easy-to-find contact forms or feedback options will allow users to report usability issues quickly. Websites should have clear instructions for user actions so users know how to interact with different elements.

Implementing feedback mechanisms will help in collecting immediate and clear feedback, which can be used to make improvements. On-site chat or dedicated feedback buttons will also encourage users to report issues instantly and provide valuable insights.

Error Messages

Error messages should be clear and helpful, telling users how to fix the mistake. A good error message should briefly explain the issue and suggest solutions. For example, if a username is already taken, the message can suggest alternative username.

Error messages should be visible and understandable to avoid frustration. Also, keep the data the user has entered so users can correct the mistake without re-entering the information. This will reduce the work to fix the problem and increase user satisfaction.

Loading Indicators

Loading indicators are important to inform users about the status of their action especially during longer loading times. Visible progress indicators such as spinning wheel or progress bar will keep users informed of the process.

Using clear guidance during loading times will improve the overall user experience. For example, displaying a message like “Loading your results” or “Processing your request” will help users understand the wait and reduce anxiety. Properly designed loading indicators will alleviate loading time usability issues and make the experience smoother and more predictable.

7) Performance & Analytics

Optimizing website performance will yield fast load times, and integrating analytics will help you track user behaviour and improve user experience and engagement.

Performance Testing

Page speed is key to user retention. Think about it: when was the last time you stuck around a slow-loading website? Slow loading times will result in high bounce rates. Regular performance testing will help you identify bottlenecks and optimize site performance. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix are useful for these tests.

Optimized images can reduce load times. Use WebP and compress images without losing quality. Minify JavaScript and CSS to remove unnecessary data. Server response time should be minimized by using Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute load times across multiple locations globally.

Performance testing also involves checking server capability and ensuring your hosting service can handle traffic spikes. Use browser caching to store assets locally so you don’t need to download repeatedly.

Analytics Integration

Google Analytics is essential to track user behaviour on your website. Integrate it to monitor metrics like bounce rates, session duration, and pages per session. This will help you identify which web pages are engaging users and which ones need improvement.

Analysing user flows will show you how users navigate through your site. This involves tracking entry and exit points and identifying pages where users drop off. Heatmaps and session recordings will give you detailed insights on user interactions and clicks on web pages.

Setting up goals and conversion tracking will allow you to measure success and see where users are dropping off your website. Reviewing these analytics regularly will help you refine user interface and improve the site over time.

8) Maintenance & Updates

Website maintenance involves regular updates to content and features and addressing security and technical issues as soon as possible. Incorporate user feedback so the site evolves with user needs and preferences.

Regular Updates

Regular updates will keep the site running smoothly. This includes keeping content up to date and adding new features which will improve user engagement and experience.

Security updates are important to protect the website from cyber threats. Monitor for suspicious activity and address issues as soon as possible to prevent bigger problems later on. Backup website data including databases, files, and media to safeguard important information. An optimized and clean database will improve performance and load times and make the site more enjoyable to use.

Handling technical issues ASAP will help avoid a negative user experience. This includes fixing broken links, ensuring pages load correctly, and verifying the site's overall functionality. Regular updates (minor and major) will keep the site running smoothly and securely.

User Feedback Integration

User feedback is key to improving a website. Collect feedback through surveys, comment sections or direct user research to get user preferences and pain points.

Analysing this feedback enables continuous improvements. For instance, if users frequently report difficulties in navigating the site, redesigning the layout can enhance the user experience. By involving users in the development and design process, you can ensure that changes meet their needs and preferences. You can ask family, friends, and past clients for feedback.

By incorporating feedback, your website can adapt to better serve its audience. This approach not only enhances user satisfaction but also keeps the site relevant and engaging in a constantly changing digital landscape. Regular updates based on user input demonstrate your commitment to meeting user needs and delivering a positive online experience.

9) Legal Compliance

Ensure your website follows strict legal and content standards to protect user data and trust. This section will guide you through the most important bits.

Legal Compliance

Compliance with legal regulations like GDPR is a must for websites in the EU. Websites must protect user data and respect privacy. This includes having a clear privacy policy that explains how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Implementing cookie consent is often another requirement. Users should be informed of the cookies used on the site and have the ability to accept or decline.

Not complying with these regulations may result in fines and/or damage your brand's reputation. Regular audits and updates to your compliance will help you avoid these.

Content Policies

Adhering to ethical content standards is another part of web compliance. This means all content is accurate, not misleading, and doesn’t promote harmful behaviour. Content should be accessible to all users, including people with disabilities.

Proper attribution and copyright is also important. Using content, images, or media without permission will get you into legal trouble. Always attribute original creators and get the necessary permissions.

Having user-generated content guidelines is also important. This will ensure any content posted by a user follows your website standards and legal requirements. Implementing these will show you’re committed to ethical and responsible content management.


Great user experience is the foundation of any great website.  In an ever-changing digital world, staying up to date with UX trends is key. Now that you know what should be considered for optimal user experience, it's time to see real life examples. Check out my blog post "What is Good UX Design (+10 Examples)" to learn more. For additional assistance improving your website's user experience, consider checking out my services or leaving a comment below about this UX checklist for websites - I'd love to hear from you!

Hi, I'm Kat
A web designer with 9+ years of design. I partner with leaders seeking long-term solutions for their business. If you’re determined to make an impact with your business, I’m here to help: Work with me or See my Services
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